Source code for

"""Module to retrieves Google Finance data.

This module contains various price for stocks and crypto.

    * EMPTY
    * You have to also use ``sphinx.ext.todo`` extension
from datetime import datetime

import pandas as pd
import requests

[docs]def get_price_data(query): """ Use Google Finance to get data. Args: query (str): EMPTY Returns: pandas.DataFrame: EMPTY """ r = requests.get( "", params=query, ) lines = r.text.splitlines() data = [] index = [] basetime = 0 for price in lines: cols = price.split(",") if cols[0][0] == 'a': basetime = int(cols[0][1:]) index.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(basetime)) data.append([ float(cols[4]), float(cols[2]), float( cols[3], ), float(cols[1]), int(cols[5]), ]) elif cols[0][0].isdigit(): date = basetime + (int(cols[0])*int(query['i'])) index.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(date)) data.append([ float(cols[4]), float(cols[2]), float( cols[3], ), float(cols[1]), int(cols[5]), ]) return pd.DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume'])
[docs]def get_close_price(target, period='1Y'): """ Get the close price, for every target ticker. Args: target (EMPTY): EMPTY period (str): EMPTY Returns: EMPTY: EMPTY """ market, ticker = target.split(':') param = { 'q': ticker, # Bitcoin price in USD 'i': "86400", # Interval size in seconds ("86400" = 1 day intervals) 'x': market, 'p': period, # Period (Ex: "4Y" = 4 year) } df = get_price_data(param) price = df[['Close']] price = price.reset_index() price['index'] = price['index'].apply(lambda x: price.columns = ['Date', ticker] return price
[docs]def get_close_price_table(targetList, interpolation=True, period='1Y'): """ EMPTY """ df_table = pd.DataFrame() for target in targetList: price = get_close_price(target, period) if (df_table.shape == (0, 0)): df_table = price else: df_table = pd.merge(df_table, price, how='outer', on='Date') if (not interpolation): return df_table else: priceTable = df_table # linear interpolation is applied. priceTable['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(priceTable.Date) priceTable = priceTable.sort_values(by='Date') priceTable = priceTable.interpolate( method='linear', axis=0, ).ffill().bfill() priceTable = priceTable.set_index('Date') return priceTable